So what is an Empath?

An Empath is a deeper form of Clairsentience, a psychic ability that we all have within us. It is an intuitive sense and is the first psychic sense that most of us believe we have in some form.

Examples of this, is when our senses feel things like if the energy in a room is positive or negative, an awareness that you are not alone, that you might be in danger, or when you have that feeling that someone is looking at you.

So, an empath is someone who is highly attuned to the energy and emotions around them, whether that energy is coming from individuals, groups, animals, plants or even physical spaces.

It is a much stronger form of Clairsentience, and although true empaths are highly attuned to energy all the time, many of us can have periods in our life when our clairsentience abilities are magnified to that of an empath state.

Signs of an empath or being in an empath state:

  • Your Clairsentience ability, with messages coming through as feelings, is naturally strong. When you receive this feeling from a person, place, group, animals etc. you are aware of exactly the message you are receiving through this often overwhelming feeling.
  • You may often feel overwhelmed often as you feel a constant flow of energy not just from your immediate environment but also from other places and people, especially in times of significant events.
  • You may struggle with boundaries as many empaths don’t always know how to create a strong energetic boundary especially with those people or situations where they would naturally want to help.
  • You can feel other people’s emotions, and this can range from a general awareness level to an intensive feeling within your physical body as if these emotions were your own.
  • Overwhelmed by crowds. Here you are not picking up individual energy but a collective energy from the crowd around you. Eg the Christmas rush at a shopping centre or a collective energy from a workplace.
  • When if feels difficult to block out the energy of others. Here it is important to learn how to tune out other people’s energy. This skill comes with practice.
  • You are a natural helper or healer, as you naturally want to help heal other people’s pain – simply because you feel it in your own body. *Note: In a positive way, this can become a successful profession for you, however you do need to be careful that you don’t fall into wanting to take away their pain so much that you take this pain and the issue causing this pain into your energetic field and hold that for them.
  • You feel isolated because the world can be overwhelming, and you don’t always have the energy to go out to socialise.
  • You need alone time to recharge your energy. Empaths are often introverts and after they spend time with others, it is important that they have alone time in their own space in order to recharge their energy.

Ultimately being an Empath is beautiful gift especially when your role in life is assisting people, animals or even in nature. The ability to read energy and understand on a deeper level what is occurring in a situation can be an incredible gift and will often attribute to your calling in life. However, being an empath and living a positive life depends on your boundaries and looking after yourself.

Stay tuned for my next Empath articles to understand more.

Do you want to dive deeper in understanding your psychic abilities and the way your energy works?

Then consider my Aura Healing Level 1 Course – a powerful course in giving you the understanding and grounding in what your psychic ability is, how to do self-healing and bring your Aura back into balance, understanding how energy moves in and out of your Aura, and gain a deeper understanding about the function of your energy centres and layers of the Aura.

To learn more visit the Aura Healing Training Page.