How does an 8 year effect our year ahead


In 2024 the overarching energy in terms of Numerology is the vibration of the number 8. In Numerology, the yearly vibration comes from calculating the year itself. In other words, 2 + 0 + 2 + 4 = 8.

We are entering an 8 year which carries the energy of expansion, hope, prosperity, success, empowerment, leadership, power, karma and heightened manifestation!

So how do we work with these energies and make the most of 2024:

  • Embrace a new outlook in life. Every year carries its challenges; however, this year has a powerful energy to support our goals and dreams. So don’t allow the same mindset that has been holding you back all these years to block your step forward. Its time to look at things from a different perspective and break free of the constraints that you have created for yourself, or perhaps others have created for you.
  • Trust your inner wisdom, knowledge and all that you have experienced that has led you to this point now. There is no time to second guess, judge yourself or your journey or to sit around and wait until you think the timing is perfect. This is the year for ACTION!
  • This is not the year to ponder or to dream about the future. Let’s be honest, you already know what is most important to you and what you would like to bring into your life. You may not know how it will present itself, but you know what you need.
  • It’s time to get really clear on what you want, and if you still feel that you are not sure, then take a notepad and pen, and find a quiet space. Tune into your heart and ask yourself what you would like to manifest this year. Trust the first thing that comes to mind, visualise it, feel it and then step forward on that path.
  • Time to unlock your personal power. Find the courage to step forward on your path because the manifesting power that is within 2024 has too many opportunities for you not to share your gifts out into the world. You have your gifts for a reason and the world needs what you have to offer.
  • Be prepared for opportunities to come your way, opportunities that reflect what you have wanting all along. But you also need to be prepared that part of you may need to step outside your comfort zone in order to take that leap and grab those opportunities. Have the courage to take that step forward.
  • Take control of your own choices. Part of embracing your personal power is to be in charge of your own life. Just think – do you always ask your friends and family’s advice before making a decision? Do you rely on other’s people’s approval before you take that step? Now more than ever it is so important for you to be in control of your own life. When you are the one making the decisions, then you will have more opportunities in creating the abundant life you want.