Intuitive & Psychic Development Mentoring

The most powerful and wisest guidance you will ever need is within you.

Are you ready to access your intuitive and psychic gifts?

Intuitive & Psychic Development Mentoring

We all have both intuitive and psychic abilities; it is literally part of our energetic body, so know that everything we need is already within us. However at times we may feel that we cannot access some or even all of these abilities, and this can be due to them being blocked in some way.

This could be the result of –
• You have shut these abilities down as a child or sometimes as an adult, in order to keep you safe.
• Someone else has blocked you,
• Illness or Trauma,
However the biggest cause of not being able to access our abilities is simply that we lack the trust in ourselves to sense these abilities.

Not trusting ourselves, quite often occurs due to:

  • when we have expressed these abilities, others have told us that it is just our imagination.

  • we compare ourselves to others who talk about their psychic experiences, and we instantly think we don’t have that ourselves because they don’t appear to be the same as others.

  • we have been told that we are not psychic by someone we trust such as a friend or even from a spiritual teacher or a psychic reader. 

So to begin with, please know that no matter what type of block is holding you back, it is possible through meditation or other spiritual activities and exercises to move past this block and open us up to a whole new world of intuitive and psychic gifts.

How I can help you

We are all unique on our spiritual paths, so all mentoring is very personalised to suit your journey and what you would like to learn. Over many years that I have worked as both an energy healer and a meditation and psychic development teacher, I have developed a wealth of knowledge on how to deepen your abilities.

Over the years I have helped

  • Energy healers deepen their abilities in what they feel and sense when working with their clients.
  • Those who wish to connect with their spiritual guides and meet their spiritual team.
  • Assist students in learning how to deepen their skills when giving readings.
  • To clear psychic blockages in clients, through energy healing work.
  • Clients become more aligned with their soul/higher self and their spiritual journey.
  • Empaths and energy sensitive clients to understand how to work with their psychic ability, how to ground and maintain a sense of balance. Also to understand how their energy field interacts with others, and to learn how to clear and protect their aura, and create strong energetic boundaries in life.
  • And especially helping beginners to understand what the psychic senses actually are and how we can access them.

My approach is a very down to earth one, and I am here to help you achieve a grounded spiritual practice that will guide you on your journey.

Regardless of whether you are new to Spiritual work or have already began to explore your path, know that I am a mentor who is supportive and can help guide you on your spiritual journey. So if you are interested then lets book a free 15min chat so I can let you know more about how I can guide you.

These sessions are available by phone, video or in-person at my Mt Pleasant studio in South Australia.



Learn to trust your intuition

Connect to your inner compass

Learn to know when your intuitive voice is speaking to you.

Understand your psychic strengths

We are all born with key psychic senses. Learn which ones are stronger within you.

Balance your Empath abilities

The Empath ability is often the one ability that has the most impact on our day to day lives. Learn how to bring balance to it.


These sessions are offered as a once off individual session or as 3 session package. So how do you choose?

If you are someone who has just one concern and knows you have the disapline to follow suggested exercises then an individual session might be all you need. Plus you can always come back and do another individual session when it suits you.

However, if you need ongoing guidance and support with someone who can continue to guide you through developing a solid practice (especially if you need a check in to help you commit to your practice) then a 3 session package might be right for you.

I am just a beginner and not sure what i need. Can mentoring still help?

Most definitely!

These sessions will introduce you to your intuitive and psychic abilities, along with grounded techniques that will help anyone in their day to day life. This includes teaching you how to begin listening to your intuition which will help to guide you on the next step of what you would like to know more of. 

I dont need to know the basics, however there is something I feel stuck on but I am not sure if anyone can help me on this?

This is where the 15min free session is perfect for us to have a chat and give you the confidence on how I can help you move forward on this.

How frequently do I need to do these sessions?

As everyone’s needs are unique, the frequency of mentoring sessions is what will suit you the best. Some find the answer in just one session, while others find a session a week or even a session a month to suit them best.

We all have different learning styles including different lengths of time before we absorb information. As we begin the sessions, you will quickly see what works best for you.

My Sessions were fantastic! Sarah is lovely to talk with, and she helped me to clear a blockage I had to my psychic abilities.

I received energy exercises to continue my development, and I feel my abilities have definitely awakened since my session.

I highly recommend connecting with Sarah and using the services offered.

Michelle, Mount Gambier

I loved my mentoring sessions as Sarah was really supportive. She helped me to clear the blockages that were holding me back, and assisted me to develop a grounded spiritual practice.

My psychic abilities have really grown since and I am so much more aware of my intuition guiding me on my journey.

Alison, Adelaide