Are you ready for change, a little luck and maybe a whole lot of chaos? You know the type of upheaval crazy time that has energy ignited from both ends of the scale leaving you a little dizzy!

Welcome to the Aquarius Full Moon – and a Supermoon at that!

Magnified by the positioning of all sorts of planets that are forming a rare astrological celestial configuration, (I will leave you to google away if astrology is your jam) that many astrologers are talking about upheaval, radical change and chaos.

Well, maybe we need that…….Maybe that might just be what we need.

Now in full disclosure, I am very much an Aquarius and this is my favourite full moon, so even though this one is a little crazier than normal, I am still feeling such a powerful positive vibe with this energy.

So why might you ask? Well, the energy of this year has gone by so fast and not only that, for many of us, it wasn’t quite like we expected. In fact, many of us might be looking at our 2022 new year manifesting list wondering what the heck happened. I know I have!

So what does this full moon really do for us?

Well, it creates a little chaos, disruption and change because its time for a new approach and for some people a total rethink of where they are at. Aquarius invites the visionary within you to step up, it invites your intuitive soul to have a voice. Ask yourself, have you left space for your intuitive soul to speak and lead you through this chaos? Have you tuned in to your inner visionary to see the alternate path. A path that might be unexpected, different and probably well out of your comfort zone but OMG it may just feel inspiring and maybe a chance to step off the everyday into a soul led path.

So embrace the letting go of the norm, let the chaos and upheaval swirl around you but see it for what it really is – the chance to revise what we want or even who we are. So if something rattles you this full moon then turn the music up and dance with the energy – let whatever you are feeling go. And then in a quiet moment, give yourself the space to sit down with your inner visionary and soul voice and ask them what do you really need me to hear.

The Full moon is on the 12th of August at 11.05am (SA Time)

Blessings Sarah