Empath series: What to do when you realise your energy field has collected negative energy.

Before we approach the question on what to do if we have negative energy in our Energy Field? We need to ask ourselves – How do I know if I have negative energy in my Energy Field?

The simple answer is that we feel out of sorts and not ourselves. That we are behaving or feeling differently in a way that we weren’t the day before, and that there was nothing that would have triggered this feeling or behaviour that you are aware of.

If you trust your intuition, ask yourself – Do I have unwanted or negative energy in my Aura?

If you feel that you have picked up energy from someone else or from an environment, then these steps can help you.

There are 2 types of energy attacks on people – A Minor or a Major Negative energy attack.

In most cases, we come in contact with minor negative energy attacks. A minor negative energy attack is when

  • the sender of the energy has sent you negative energy unconsciously. This is usually because they are acting from a wounded state, for example if they become jealous of you for any reason. Often these are quick thoughts done in a moment and then not thought of again.
  • You have taken the other persons energy because you don’t want them to suffer anymore. Often done when our heart goes out to someone, often when we are caring for loved ones or visiting a friend in need.
  • You have been overloaded from an environment that is toxic, for example visiting a negative workplace.

Ways in which you can release this energy

  1. Shower: When coming home from somewhere and you are starting to feel the negative energy, then have a shower straight away and hold the intent of all negative and unwanted energy being cleansed from your energy.
  2. Salt Baths: Taking a bath with Epsom salt or sea salt, it can help cleanse your energy field.
  3. Incense Smudging: Burning sage or other cleansing herbs can clear negative energy from your space and aura. Even incense sticks can help if you don’t have smudging herbs. Be sure to open windows for the smoke to exit, or even find a space outside to do this.
  4. Grounding: Spend time in nature to ground yourself. Walking barefoot on grass, sand, or soil can help you connect with the Earth’s energy and balance your own. A positive flow of earth energy will help to ground any energy that is negative or not your own.
  5. Essential Oils: Certain essential oils like lavender, sage, and frankincense can be used in aromatherapy to cleanse and protect your energy field.
  6. Self-Healing: Create a sacred space, hold the intention of clearing away all negative and unwanted energy, call in the assistance of your spiritual guides, and ask to be a clear channel for the divine light /universal life-force energy and then place your hands over your body, (trust your intuition on where to do this,) and allow this healing life-force energy to flow into your energy system.

A Major Negative attack

This happens lest often compared to a minor attack, and can occur when

  • Concentrated Negative energy is consciously sent your way from someone
  • Long exposure to a toxic environment that you visit often, such as a workplace.
  • Experiencing a larger amount of minor attacks over a short space in time.
  • When someone is controlling aspects of your life and therefore there is a power conflict in your energy field.

Ways in which you can release this energy

  • First of all, if you are in danger, physically or mentally, then leaving that situation is your main priority and please ask for help from professionals or loved ones depending on your situation.
  • If your focus is your energy field, then you can apply any of the suggestions for a minor attack. You may want to repeat them, such as having a salt bath over several nights or try a combination of the suggestions, and this may shift the energy.
  • Finally, if you still feel the negative energy within your aura, then seek out an energy healing practitioner for assistance.

If you feel like you need an energy healing and would like some more information about what is happening in your energy field then visit https://intuitivewisdom.com.au/aura-healing/ or https://intuitivewisdom.com.au/reiki-2/