Articles from Intuitive Wisdom

These articles will reflect so many areas of my work including the Aura, Chakra System, Colour Therapy, Reiki, Meditation, Moon Wisdom and so much more. To keep in touch with the latest blog then sign up to our newsletter at the bottom of the page. Blessings Sarah

What to expect from your first Reiki Healing

What to expect from your first Reiki Healing

Over the years, I have had many people come to see me for their first Reiki session and often, they are quite nervous simply because they are unsure what to expect. In fact quite often, having a Reiki healing is usually the first experience into what many people...

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The gift of learning Reiki

The gift of learning Reiki

For those of you who haven't heard of Reiki before, it is a hands-on healing practice from Japan that encourages the flow of life-force energy around the body. Reiki is pronounced Ray-Key, with Rei meaning universal and Ki meaning life-force energy. Ki has the same...

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Pisces New Moon

Pisces New Moon

The New Moon began this morning at 2.33am. The journey of this Piscean New Moon is like imagining you are diving deep into the ocean. There is so much hidden within that we are unaware of yet it is during this moon that our deepest truths are often revealed as they...

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The Gift of a 3 Year

The Gift of a 3 Year

In 2019 the overarching energy in terms of Numerology is the vibration of the number 3. A year that will finally provide real action to the things that mean the most to us, even if we have been holding those inner most desires close to our chest. This is the year that...

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Full Moon in Gemini

Full Moon in Gemini

Tonight our women's circle is gathering but I wanted to share with all of you, the energy that is flowing tonight so that you can work and understand this powerful full moon. If you can, spend some time meditating with this energy and align yourself with your inner...

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Rose Quartz – Journey of Unconditional Love

Rose Quartz – Journey of Unconditional Love

Rose Quartz is considered to be the stone of love, in all the forms of love but especially one of unconditional love. It is a stone that helps to give courage to heal emotional wounds, to gently dissolve the walls around our heart and to open us up to the many...

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Power of Self-Healing with Hands on Healing

Power of Self-Healing with Hands on Healing

There are many different types of healing being taught in the world today, but core of every healing is channeling of life-force energy. Life-force energy is present everywhere and is used by every plant, human and animal on this earth. It circulates within and around...

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Our Energy System: The Spiritual Body

Our Energy System: The Spiritual Body

The Spiritual Body governs over half of our Aura as it includes the fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh layers of the Aura. Unlike the first 3 bodies mentioned in previous blogs that connect with the physical plane, the spiritual body connects to the Astral and Spiritual...

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Our Energy System: The Mental Body

Our Energy System: The Mental Body

The Mental Body governs how we think and the ability of accessing the knowledge within and the wisdom around us. In our Aura it connects into the third layer of the Aura and its energy mainly vibrates the colour yellow. The Mental Body works with past life knowledge,...

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Our Energy System: The Emotional Body

Our Energy System: The Emotional Body

The Emotional Body stores our Vibrational Feelings, so in other words, whenever we have strong emotion in our lives, the Aura holds this emotion and stores it as vibrational energy. When a blockage comes up for us to deal with, then we consciously or unconsciously tap...

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